One shot with the Leica Noctilux-M 75/1.25

Isn’t she gorgeous? I’m afraid I’ve just created an ‘alternative fact’, because this shot wasn’t taken with the new Nocti 75. No, I took it with an ordinary Nocti 50/0.95. Very bourgois indeed. Want to know which camera? Hmm, well, allright: the first version of the Leica T. Very, very unpractical in a setting like […]

Best of 2017 #10: John

‘One of the very few ‘family portraits’, because I always stand behind the camera. About one hour before sunset my wife and children were playing in the backyard of the farm where we stayed overnight. I noticed the long shadows, then I positioned myself in front of the sun and made this picture.’ ‘I like […]

Best of 2017 #2: Vincent

I call my Leicas my soulmates and for a reason. They seem to transcend my inner feelings. This shot is a good example. I had to cope with some personal difficulties in 2017. As I was walking through Utrecht I noticed a pitch black bird sitting on top of a post. Silently, staring into the […]