Last week I’ve been shooting in Prague, which gave me the chance to test two of the new Billingham bags I received to review. I liked the L2 and 1.4 both quite a bit and I already can say I prefer the L2 over my own Hadley small. Anyway: Prague has a decent metro system […]
Tag Archives: Leica M9
A nice Leica workshop in Delft
Today was a pretty good day. Vincent came over for a Leica Introduction workshop and we had a good time. First we had a good look at the M9 and it’s lenses and menu. After that, we took a train to Delft (one of the oldest cities in The Netherlands) and went for a walk […]
The best camera…
Is the camera you carry around. That’s one of the reasons why I love rangefinder cameras. They’re tiny and light, compared to SLRs. And the lenses are even smaller and lighter. This combo: the M9-P with the CV 40/1.4 weighs 760 grams. With that you get a full frame camera with a fast and multifunctional […]
Meet the Billies
I have had quite a few photo bags in my life. In my SLR days, I had a number of Lowepro bags and I still have a few of them. When I started shooting weddings, I needed a bag that looked good and I bought a Billingham 335. Back then, Billingham was the only company […]
The Billingham Hadley Digital review
When I bought my Leica M9 in 2010, I bought this little sturdy bag in an impulse. Usually I think before I purchase something, but in this case, I got a 50% discount, because I just bought an M9. Before this moment, I only had big bags for SLR kits, so I thought that I’d […]
Six Reasons to buy a 21mm lens for your Leica M
Last week, you could read my review of the Voigtländer color-skopar 21/4. I explained that I use this lens for group shots in tight spaces, when my 28mm is too long. However, there are more and better reasons to buy a 21mm for your rangefinder camera. During the time that I was a writer and […]
The Voigtländer 21/4 color skopar review
When I changed to my leica set, I wanted to use as little lenses as possible. I had gotten sick and tired of my DSLR kit and I would not make the same mistake of buying too many lenses for my M9 again. Also, I didn’t want any extreme lenses, on both the wide angle […]
Che was here
Cuba is a wonderful country for street photographers. I’d say, Havanna is the most interesting, also because the people that live here have gotten used to photographers. In smaller cities you’ll get stared at quite a lot. Here, in Holguin, you’ll have to use another tactic to get the snapshots you want. In this case, […]
What is in my wedding bag?
Many people have asked me what I take in my wedding bag. Well, I have some variation in what I pack. For longer days, I pack some extra food and an extra shirt. For weddings in winter, I take more fast lenses. In general, this is what my bag looks like on a typical wedding […]
A picture not worth taking?
Yesterday I read an article about high ISO photography and the quality of light. The author stated that with really bad and low light, it wasn’t always worth it taking a picture, because the technical quality of the picture wouldn’t be good enough. Instead he offered the readers his solution of using LED-light to brighten […]